Showing posts with label STEM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STEM. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Foreign students find v(l)ocal support to become resident-aliens in the USA!, ....Conditions Apply

The tagline on the website says it all;

"It’s a no brainer to keep and attract brain power in America".

Led by the NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the enterpreneurs and pragmatists at Partnership for New American Economy in the USA are pushing for Immigration reform that'll help foreign students pursuing advanced STEM degrees (Science, Tech, Engg & Math) obtain greencard on priority & stay back

There are some interesting comments on a related blog post by Brad Feld, "Help Support Immigration Reform In The US"

Below is the comment I posted on the above entry;

Murali Apparaju11 hours ago
    Wow, straight from the heart bro..... I have folks in the USA that are run of the mill, the huddled masses that are struggling with the same employer for 12 years for the elusive green card..... I also have folks in the USA that are the pampered usefuls.... ones that make it to the green-card & citizenship quick n easy, ones that could change the face of Indian enterprise if they choose to come back but wouldn't since uncle Sam wants them.

    With no malice towards a great nation that takes care of it's own people before anyone elses (& heck, why not?), I don't think Brad there's any further need for reform, USA was/ is doing a great job of keeping the advanced STEM students trained in its own universities within its borders.... Take heart Jo...., just make it to that darn dean's list!
    The reform is needed in India (& probably in China, Vietnam et al)..... on how to lure back home the advanced degree STEM students groomed on home soil but polished in the US universities, create great jobs & assure quality of life for them within their country of birth......
    (nothing personal again, I just finished what i felt that Anand started & stopped short of completing....)