Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Passion....rather the lack of it !

bloggin sure needs passion....

where's mine?

well...what was any one expecting after the tell-tale title? i am still figuring on how to be a regular with my posts...

what'as happened in my life lately that's worth a blog? - not much beyond my profession...and hey wait a minute...not much in my career too....

oooh ... looks like i need to re-focus in life....not a nice thing to live feeling as excited as a can opener..may be i should enrol for some course.... may be i should get worked up on Indian crickets’ sad demise... may be i should hyperventilate on the stubborn attitude of government on the 27% issue....speculate on the Georgia Tech assassins bullied life?....may be yes....some purpose...some passion...

closer home....the life-lane is getting narrower,....i am busy...doing nothin'...everyone's busy doing nothing....we have time for none..not even for ourselves.. needs some serious make-over
purpose....I will look for it.....passionately....